The very first step I will be taking in this project is naturally to identify and understand the structure of the cclib code. cclib is structured similarly to many other Python libraries and has classes that are relevant to each other residing in same directories.

In the first glance, cclib source code has five directories: cclib, data, doc, test, travis.

cclib directory

cclib directory contains all the main code that is relevant to actually performing the functionalities of cclib package. It has number of subdirectories as listed below.

  1. bridge provides useful bridging functions to other computational chemistry packages
  2. io takes care of file input and output (hence the I/O function)
  3. method has the computational methods that cclib is able to perform. Number of population analysis methods and other computational analysis methods, such as Mayer’s Bond Orders and Charge Decomposition Analysis reside here. I will discuss about the calculationmethod class and population class further in the later part of this post.
  4. parser contains functions that can read information from different quantum chemical packages, such as ORCA, Gamess, Gaussian, Molpro and so much more. These functions extract information from the outputs (which usually are in plain text form) of different quantum chemical packages and creates an instance of common structure defined for subsequent calculations in cclib. This streamlines how calculations are performed in cclib.
  5. progress allows presentation of calculation progress to the user. Text-based progress and QT-based visual progress is implemented here.
  6. script has Python scripts that allow easier execution in command line environment. It allows common calculations to be performed simply by invoking the scripts without actually writing a Python script on each individual’s own.

doc directory

doc has documentation for cclib. The documentation can be easily browsed here. It is written to work with Sphinx. I will need to read more about its format (as explained here) before I make changes to the documentation.

test, data, and travis directory

cclib has an extensive automated tests that are executed when any pull requests are made to the code base. test contains Python scripts that compare calculated values with other known values (often from different computational chemistry packages) and data contains the output files that are parsed for each test run. travis directory contains information needed for automated test runs on Travis.

Bickelhaupt Method

In this first week, I will be implementing Bickelhaupt method as a starting point. This method is chosen due to its similarity to the Mulliken method, which already exists in cclib code. As identified in the original article1 and unlike Mulliken method which divides the cross terms in the partial charge matrix equally, Bickelhaupt method divides the cross term based on the relative magnitude of the diagonal terms.

In cclib.cclib.method.mpa, the lines relevant to building the DS matrix (density matrix multiplied by overlap matrix). This is identified from cclib.cclib.method.mpa:68-77 where

temp =, # second argument may be fooverlaps for unrestricted calculations
self.aoresults[spin][i] = numpy.multiply(ci, temp).astype("d")

calculates Ci × Ci • S a .

This matrix is then further processed by being passed to a function in parent class (population) called partition. The partition function then identifies and matches each orbital to constituent atoms. This transforms the matrix into a form with each atom consisting each columns (as shown in results[spin][:, i] = numpy.add(results[spin][:, i], temp in cclib.cclib.method.population:98. Finally, each element in the matrix is summed up into the fragcharges attribute in the given instance of MPA.

Now, what is relevant here is that Bickelhaupt charges distribute off-diagonal elements by using the formula qi = X ii + ∑ i ≠ j (qij + qji) q ii / (q ii + q jj ) . This allows me to identify that a large part of the code in MPA can be reused but the segment along cclib.cclib.method.population:90-107 needs to be modified so that it does not equally distribute the off-diagonal terms.

I will be starting to implement the actual Bickelhaupt code starting tomorrow, and will start thinking about testing the results as well. As mentioned earlier, cclib has a great automated testing system and I should therefore find way to add this flawlessly. I know that Multiwfn can calculate Bickelhaupt charges, but it would be nice if the packages that cclib is already using to verify against can calculate the charges as well for sake of simplicity.

  1. Bickelhaupt, F. M.; Hommes, N. J. R.; Guerra, C. F.; Baerends, E. The Carbon-Lithium Electron Pair Bond in (CH3Li)_n (n=1,2,4). Organometallics 1996, 15 (13), 2923-2931