Today, I’ve spent most of the time writing up the docs for DDEC6 algorithm. The usage is quite similar to Bader’s QTAIM, so this has been quite straightforward.

Last Friday, one of my mentors suggested me to run profilers on the new code to identify which function is taking up large sums of wall time. I have tried using profilers for C++ code (i.e. ARM Forge) but haven’t tried using it on Python, so this has been an interesting task for me. Looks like the profiler for Python – CProfile is extremely simple. It just needs an import and needs user to execute the command inside the function. From the results, it looks like the _integrate_from_radial() function in the algorithm takes up huge amounts of time. In a sample run using carbon monoxide, the function took 61sec (out of total 122sec run time) and was called 64 times. The algorithm uses a lot of spherical averaging, so this is somewhat expected. If any optimizations (even small ones) can be made to this function, there should be some efficiency gain.

Now that the program is heading to its last week, I should start thinking how to craft the final submission to GSoC. This should make the last week of the program quite interesting.